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Friday, August 4, 2023

Step Up Your Brain's Intellectual Potential: How Blinkist can help you

Step Up Your Brain's Intellectual Potential: How Blinkist can help you

In today's fast-paced world, our minds are constantly dealing with an overwhelming amount of information. To thrive in this information age, it is crucial to continually expand our knowledge and improve our cognitive abilities. Enter Blinkist, a revolutionary platform that offers a unique approach to brain training and development. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using Blinkist as a powerful tool for boosting logical thinking, enhancing brain function, and ultimately making you smarter in general.

Bite-Sized Learning for Enhanced Absorption

One of the core strengths of Blinkist lies in its bite-sized learning approach. The platform condenses non-fiction books into concise summaries, known as "blinks." By presenting key insights and takeaways in a condensed format, Blinkist allows users to cover vast subjects in a fraction of the time. This format facilitates better absorption of information, enabling users to explore diverse topics, from science to philosophy, and absorb knowledge more effectively.

Cognitive Diversification and Logical Thinking

Blinkist covers a wide range of genres and topics, encouraging cognitive diversification. By exposing oneself to various subjects, individuals can strengthen their logical thinking abilities. As readers encounter different perspectives and ideas, they develop critical thinking skills, which are essential for making informed decisions and solving complex problems. This cognitive diversification also enhances creativity and innovation, enabling users to connect ideas from different domains.

Time-Efficient Learning

The traditional approach to reading a book often demands a significant time commitment. However, in today's busy world, finding time to read extensively can be a challenge. Blinkist addresses this issue by offering an easily accessible platform for learning on the go. Whether during a commute, a lunch break, or before bedtime, users can engage in learning and brain training without compromising their daily routines.

Continuous Learning for Lifelong Development

The journey of learning and brain development is a lifelong process. Blinkist provides an excellent platform for continuous learning, allowing users to engage in a constant stream of new ideas, concepts, and information. As individuals regularly expose their minds to new knowledge, they reinforce existing neural pathways and create new connections, fostering cognitive plasticity and adaptability.

Retention and Recall Improvement

While some might argue that condensed summaries could lead to reduced retention, Blinkist has incorporated various features to address this concern. For instance, users can listen to audio versions of the summaries, which aids in auditory learning and retention. Additionally, Blinkist offers a highlight feature, encouraging users to mark essential points for later reference. By revisiting these highlights, users can reinforce their memory and improve long-term recall.

Enhanced Focus and Concentration

In the digital age of distractions, maintaining focus during reading or learning sessions can be challenging. Blinkist's concise format helps combat this issue by presenting information in a focused and organized manner. Users can delve into a topic without being overwhelmed by unnecessary details, leading to improved concentration and comprehension.

Blinkist serves as an invaluable tool for brain training, development, logical thinking, and overall intelligence enhancement. By offering bite-sized learning, cognitive diversification, and time-efficient access to knowledge, Blinkist empowers individuals to become lifelong learners. Its unique approach to condensing non-fiction books into concise summaries makes learning more accessible and adaptable to the modern lifestyle. So, embrace the power of Blinkist and unlock your intellectual potential today!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Optical Illusion - Impossible Square Drawing

Moillusions.com is one of the biggest portal sharing optical illusion around the web. It is a very great gallery with lots and lots of optical illusions and even ways how to draw them. 
Here check out their stuff on how to draw an Optical Illusion Square
And Don't Forget To Check Out One Of The Greatest Optical Illusion Databases

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Can You Spot The Greek Gods In This Optical Illusion?


Optical Illusion Greek Gods

This tricky optical illusion was shared by Dailystar.co.uk and is one of the newest and most difficult
Also it is followed by a nice slide presentation of 47 different optical illusion that you can enjoy  here

Optical Illusion - Greek Gods

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017

Optical Illusion. Can You Find All The Y's in the picture?

I found this cool Optical Illusion at Brainden.com
You can visit them for much more Optical Illusions and Brain Teasers.

Show Answer

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Frankfurter Illusion

A more Detailed Explanation on This Opticall Illusion on 

Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena

131 of them – by Michael Bach 

in the meantime:

The Frankfurter Illusion

What to do & see
If you have two roughly equiv­a­lent eyes you will see a ‘sausage’ float­ing in front of you in mid air, by fol­low­ing these steps:
  1. Hold your hands in front of you, at 20–30 cm dis­tance from you, at eye level.
  2. Point your index fin­gers against each other, leav­ing about 2 cm dis­tance be­tween them.
  3. Now look “through” your fin­gers, into the dis­tance be­hind them.
  4. The sausage should ap­pear now, and you can change its length by vary­ing the dis­tance be­tween the fin­ger tips.
  5. For most ob­servers, the sausage will look blurred, at least ini­tially.
  6. If you try to look at the sausage, it will dis­ap­pear, it is only pre­sent if you look at some­thing more dis­tant than your fin­gers.
  7. It helps if the back­ground is rather ho­moge­nous and has a color very dif­fer­ent from your fin­gers.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


                                                                 Source: Brightside

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